The Raedwald Trust pays high regard to organising pupil’s learning experiences: curriculum design always responds to individual learner’s needs and curriculum choices are regularly reviewed, with all stakeholders, so we can be confident we are providing an exceptional learning experience, every hour of every day. Our highly personalised and flexible approach is framed by three key questions:
- What is the specific intention of the chosen learning programme?
- What is the best implementation route for the learning programme?
- What is the impact of the learning programme?
Against these measures, our learners thrive in an environment of high expectation.
The curriculum offer at the Outreach (including Child in Care) Programme reflects what students study at each of our host schools across Suffolk. Therefore, each student follows a bespoke and personalised pathway tailored to their individual needs be they academic, learning, social, emotional or mental health. From Key Stage 2 through to Key Stage 4, our cohort of young people are on roll at mainstream schools and/or alternative provisions.
Our team of skilled Learning Coaches and teachers enable learners to recognise their true potential, build on success and prepare for the next stage of their lives. This offer will be agreed between the host school, Suffolk Virtual School (where appropriate) and the Raedwald Trust Outreach Programme in order to ensure that the learner is following the most appropriate curriculum pathway.