This document sets out the Raedwald Trust approach to school improvement. It describes the roles and responsibilities of staff and the expectations of all who work in the Raedwald Trust Academies. It also lays out the standards we all aim for and the key qualities being developed, based on our values.
We support and develop all pupils through our strategic plan and its in execution in our academies. Our primary focus is always on the most vulnerable whether they are temporarily vulnerable or their circumstances mean that they are always likely to be vulnerable. To this end, we have developed the Raedwald Trust improvement team who add capacity for academy leaders and pupils to support the best learning and colleagues to reach outstanding levels of practice within 2 years of appointment. Our Head Teachers Executive Group and Pedagogical Group provide the following support:
- Deployment of outstanding teachers and practitioners to coach and mentor new colleagues and those needing to improve
- Working with curriculum leads on improving Trust approaches to learning
- Sharing good practice through Teach Meet sessions across the Trust
- Developing curriculum policies
- Leading on shared approaches to the curriculum
- Research and development in key curriculum areas
- Trailing new approaches with pupil facing staff
- Developing shared approaches to assessment and feedback
- Supporting teachers to use innovative approaches to accelerate progress
- Supporting academies to set ambitious targets for their pupils and helping them to achieve their goals
Improvement is brought about through:
- A focus on the Trust values as the means to establish an ethos of care and love which builds pupils’ and staff capacity and confidence to learn and take risks
- A relentless pursuit of outstanding teaching and progress with a supportive CPD programme and leadership so that all can develop
- Strong professional leadership which focuses, without distraction, on learning and teaching an the safeguarding of pupils, families and staff
- An understanding that when pupils fall behind it is the responsibility of all adults to support them to catch up and help them exceed their expectations
- A varied and bespoke curriculum which establishes links between subjects and gives every learner opportunity to master, refine and apply acquired skills
- An entitlement CPD for all colleagues focused on developing skills in bringing about rapid progress in a pupil’s learning
- Insightful and transparent metrics, published in our annual ethical accountability framework, that drive continuous improvement
New Academies
- Detailed and comprehensive due diligence prior to joining the Raedwald Trust
Non Negotiables
- Adoption of Raedwald Trust core curriculum, pedagogy, data and assessment systems, behaviour policy and values
- Adoption of entitlement CPD
- Adoption of Raedwald Trust wide commitment to a philosophy of collaborative convergence