Raedwald Trust Inclusion Statement: We believe SEND should be positioned at the heart of school leadership and not viewed as the exclusive preserve of the SENCO. Each Raedwald Trust school is inclusive; we ensure a whole school approach to inclusion and SEND recognising that each member of staff is a teacher of SEND.
We ensure that every child and young person who attends our settings, whatever their circumstance or ability, has a sense of belonging, feels respected and is valued for who they are. We will work hard to provide the right pathway of education at the right time in order to support and develop all pupils so that they become positively participating citizens in society. We will equip all pupils with the skills, knowledge and confidence to enable them to move on to the next phase of learning and life with success. We understand that there are different types of support that children and young people may require at different points in their lives. Our decision making, therefore, is rooted in improving outcomes for children and young people as they prepare for adulthood.
We recognise that an inclusive approach, with an appreciation of diversity, individuality and ambition for all to achieve their optimum potential is essential in raising attainment for all. Collectively, we have a responsibility to provide for children and young people, whatever their background and current circumstances, to ensure that they receive a precise identification of their needs. This will support high quality teaching, leading to positive experiences and outcomes for all.
We commit to challenge and remain open to challenge. We show transparency in our thinking and actions, being able to clearly justify evidence-based decisions. We will consistently and consciously examine the way we do things in our own settings to become even more inclusive through systematically reviewing our practice and through working in partnership to review practice in other settings. We agree to work collaboratively with colleagues in schools, the Local Authority, parents/carers and health and social care to create a new way forward to meet the needs of all children and young people referred to our care. We seek and accept any learning, training and development for inclusion for our staff, engage with research and will share our own good practice generously.
This is the statement of inclusion we make to our community and colleagues.