Our Pathways

Building Pathway

Building Pathway Overview and Descriptors 
Duration6 -19 weeks (0.5 to 1.5 terms)

Length of the programme will depend on the individual circumstances of the pupil and will be negotiated as part of admission.

Age RangeYear 3 – Year 9
Description of Pupil ProfilePupils will have the potential to be successful in mainstream school but need a more intensive and in some cases longer intervention to overcome significant barriers to learning. Two scenarios:

i) Pupil who has been permanently excluded and has been allocated to a new school roll.

ii) Pupil who is still on roll of mainstream school but is having significant difficulties accessing school offer.  School has exhausted options in Step 1 & 2 of the Graduated Response.

Nature of Placement
  • Dual placement with mainstream school. Continues to attend school 1 day/week with 4 days per week at Raedwald site with weekly outreach support.
  • Final 3 weeks of this placement are transition weeks. It is expected that in weeks 17 and 18 pupils will be accessing two full days at their mainstream setting and three full days in week 19. This will help to prepare them for a return to fulltime mainstream education in week 20.
Objective of the Offer
  • To support pupil to succeed in their current mainstream school placement or a new school following a permanent exclusion.
  • A co-constructed programme with home/receiving school that is targeted to address the significant barriers pupil faces to accessing a mainstream school offer. Programme will offer building blocks to help a learner succeed in their mainstream school.
Transition Arrangement
  • For pupils who have been permanently excluded:

i) A new school should be identified prior to admission.  RT agree to make contact with families pending on-roll date; Z-code will apply for this period of time.  On-roll date upon confirmation of new mainstream school roll.

ii) CME portal completed once on-roll date confirmed.


  • For pupils who are dual-roll:

ii) Pupil remains on roll of referring school throughout and returns to a full time attendance pattern at the end of the intervention/transition period of dual attendance.