At Raedwald Trust all staff are trained in restraint and physical intervention by BellsCroft Consultancy.
Their behaviour management training is designed to assist in positive behaviour support. They focus on supporting organisations with de-escalation and positive behaviour planning to reduce the need for restrictive practise.
What is Restrictive Physical Intervention (RPI)?
RPI is anytime that an adult physically intervenes to support pupil behaviour. RPI can range from a low level technique, such as an adult placing an open palm on a student’s upper arm and guiding them out of a room. To a restrictive intervention, such as a seated restraint.
Why is RPI used?
There are times when pupil’s present behaviour challenges which are unsafe for themselves, their peers or adults. Staff supporting them will be aware of their individual behaviour plans and risk assessments. They will endeavour to use verbal de-escalation strategies to support pupils to calm and behave safely. Where this de-escalation is not successful and pupils continue to pose a risk to themselves or others, staff may need to step in to physically support the situation to a safe level.
When can you use RPI?
For the purpose of preventing a pupil from doing, or continuing to do, any of the following:
- committing any offence
- causing personal injury to, or damage to the property of any person (including the pupil himself)
- prejudicing the maintenance of good order and discipline at the school or among any pupils receiving education at the school, whether during a teaching session or otherwise
Part 7, Section 93, The Education and Inspection Act 2006
DfE guidance Use of Reasonable Force 17th July 2013
Students will, where safe, be given the chance to correct their behaviour and be given a warning before RPI is used.
After an incident
After any behaviour incident where RPI has been used, the staff involved will complete a Behaviour Log. This details the incident from start to finish, including; all pupil/staff actions and any RPI used. These logs are checked and signed off by the Head of School at each site. If a restraint has been used, this will also be recorded in the site based bound book. Parents/carers are informed of any RPI used to support their child on the day that it happened, unless there is an alternate agreement in place.
Risk Reduction Standards
Any restrictive intervention must be based on an assessment that the intervention is likely to cause less harm than not intervening.
- Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
- Person/child centred approach, working with the individual’s best interests through therapeutic approaches whilst supporting people who are distressed.
- Focus on de-escalation and reflective practice. Earlier interventions.
- Exploring the root causes of behaviour and recognise the behaviours are a result of distress due to unmet need. What is the communicative function of the behaviour?
- Individualised approach via support/care plans.
- Debriefing and reflecting on incidents to review practices.
- Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
- Legislation (HRA 1998 MCA 2005, UN Conventions rights of Child/Persons with Disabilities DHSC DfE 2019, Use of Force – Common Law, Criminal Law Act 1967, Education Act 2006)
- Prioritise physical interventions, restraints and use of force as a last resort.