Our Pathways

Springboard Pathway

Key Stage 1 Springboard Pathway Purpose: To support pupils to succeed in their current mainstream school placement.  Pupils must have an on-roll mainstream school.

  • A more intense intervention for a pupil who will successfully reintegrate into fulltime mainstream education.  Support for personal, social and emotional development alongside possible behaviour concerns, EHCP not required for referral.
  • The pupil will attend a Raedwald Trust setting for a 19 week placement.
  • Dual placement with mainstream school.  The pupil will continue to attend mainstream school 2 or 3 days per week with 2 or 3 days per week at a Raedwald Trust site, with weekly outreach support.
  • During mainstream days, the pupil will attend at least 2 hours a day, increasing time in school (if applicable) over 19 weeks.
  • Outreach sessions will be delivered in mainstream settings for 1 hour a week on a Thursday or Friday.
  • Progress reports will be provided to mainstream setting throughout the Raedwald Trust placement.

Key Stage 3 (Year 9) and Key Stage 4 Springboard Pathway Purpose: A short intervention to support pupils who are struggling to attend their mainstream school due to Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) factors.

  • Professionals are in agreement that mainstream educaiton is the desired outcome of placement.
  • Pupils must have a mainstream school roll.
  • The pupil will attend a Raedwald Trust setting for a 19 week placement with an opportunity to extend to cover 6 terms if appropriate.
  • The pupil will attend mainstream school 2 days per week with 3 days per week at a Raedwald Trust site.  Specific days vary depending on the Raedwald Trust site they are attending.
  • Regular placement reviews will be held, with the opportunity to extend or end placements according to the pupil’s need.
  • 3 weekly, virtual, professional meetings to support school to build a high quality 2 day offer.
  • EHCP is not required for a referral.

Springboard KS1 Podcast