Our Pathways

Transition Pathway (Year 6 into Year 7)

Transition Pathway Purpose: To support Year 6 pupils at risk of Permanent Exclusion through the final two terms of primary school and subsequently to support transition into autumn term of Year 7 at secondary school.

  • A pathway designed to support pupils in Year 6 at risk of Permanent Exclusion, providing support and stability as they move through Year 6 and into Year 7.  Work will then continue alongside the named secondary provision to allow a more thorough transition through the autumn term.
  • Year 6 admission onto the pathway at the start of spring term for reminder of Key Stage 2, then autumn term in Key Stage 3 with a focus on transition into secondary provision.
  • The pupil will attend Raedwald Trust Monday-Wednesday.  Thursday and Friday they access their mainstream setting.
  • Outreach support will be a weekly virtual meeting with face to face outreach support occurring in school every 3 weeks.
  • Progress reports will be provided to mainstream setting throughout the Raedwald Trust placement.
  • EHCP not required for referral.

Transition Pathway is offered at;

Year 6 into Year 7

Alderwood Academy