Our Pathways

Focused Pathway

Focused Pathway Overview and Descriptors 
Duration1 – 3 terms

Length of the programme will depend on the individual circumstances of the pupil and will be negotiated as part of admission.

Age RangeYear 10 – Year 11
Description of Pupil ProfilePupils will have the potential to be successful in mainstream school but need a more intensive and in some cases longer intervention to overcome significant barriers to learning. Two scenarios:

i) Pupil who has been permanently excluded and has been allocated to a new school roll.

ii) Pupil who is still on roll of mainstream school but is having significant difficulties accessing school offer.  School has exhausted options in Step 1 & 2 of the Graduated Response.

Nature of Placement
  • Dual placement with mainstream school. Continues to access learning through mainstream school for up to 1 day/week with up to 4 days per week at Raedwald site and weekly outreach support.
  • Final 4 weeks of this placement are transition weeks. It is expected that during this time a pupil will be accessing two full days at their mainstream setting and three full days by the final week. This will help to prepare them for a return to fulltime mainstream education at the end of placement.
Objective of the Offer
  • To support pupil to succeed in their current mainstream school placement or a new school following a permanent exclusion.
  • A co-constructed programme with home/receiving school that is targeted to address the significant barriers pupil faces to accessing a mainstream school offer. Programme will offer building blocks to help a learner succeed in their mainstream school, maintaining a strong connection to mainstream throughout their placement.
Transition Arrangement
  • For pupils who have been permanently excluded:

i) A new school should be identified prior to admission.  RT agree to make contact with families pending on-roll date; Z-code will apply for this period of time.  On-roll date upon confirmation of new mainstream school roll.

ii) CME portal completed once on-roll date confirmed.


  • For pupils who are dual-roll:

ii) Pupil remains on roll of referring school throughout and returns to a full time attendance pattern at the end of the intervention/transition period of dual attendance.