Raedwald Trusts Sites get Supercharged IT Investment
Digital systems across the whole of the Raedwald Trust have been given a boost thanks to a huge project that has improved IT systems at all school sites.
Young people across the Trust can now benefit from faster and more reliable internet access, enabling them to use more web-based systems and tools – ultimately opening the door to new opportunities to support and enhance their learning.
The now-complete digital-enhancement project took place over four months. It involved making sure all schools are on the fastest possible fibre broadband available (over four times the previous speed at some sites!), updating WiFi systems so wireless devices like laptops and tablets can work with faster internet and network speeds, upgrading the network cabling and harmonising and upgrading the internet filtering service to further enhance internet safety.
The enhanced internet filtering and monitoring service included in the upgrade also means that staff and students now benefit from proactive internet monitoring across the network. This is a recent requirement from the DFE (Department for Education) proscribed in their statutory guidance for all English schools; Keeping children safe in education, (September 2019) and it brings the Trust into full alignment with these stringent new national safety expectations.
Kim Charlesworth, Head of School at Lindbergh Campus said: “Both staff and students have benefitted from the improved internet service at Lindbergh. It is easier to communicate between staff at different sites and lessons can be planned and delivered in a more efficient way. Teachers are now trialling new technologies to further enhance student experience.”
This investment in the facilities at the Trust brings the IT systems right up to date. Before the update, the old systems in place meant that it was impossible for students to use all of the latest technology available to them. Now, there is nothing standing in
the way of young people at the Raedwald Trust from using the latest technology to expand their digital skills and future opportunities.