Fantastic Donations
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the Raedwald Trust has been extremely fortunate to receive help and donations to support pupils’ learning and wellbeing.
A generous donation of 20 Chromebooks were received from energy supplier Drax. The Chromebooks have been given out to Raedwald Trust pupils, and were very gratefully received!
Volunteering Matters, an organisation who develop and deliver high impact volunteer-led solutions across the UK, donated some fantastic resource packs for pupils and teachers at St. Christopher’s Academy in Ipswich. The adult packs contained information about COVID-19 and useful tips on talking to children about the situation. There is also lots of useful advice on healthy eating, staying safe, mindfulness colouring and useful links, such as Public Health England, well-being services, customer first and the National Domestic Abuse helpline. The children’s packs had lots of activities to complete, challenges, information about online safety and useful contact information for young people.
Thank you to all the individuals and businesses who have donated their time, resources or expertise to help the pupils at the Raedwald Trust during the coronavirus pandemic.