Amazing Donations
The Raedwald Trust has been fortunate to receive donations of food and care items from local businesses and charities to support its most vulnerable pupils and their families during the Covid-19 crisis.
The donations from John Lewis, McDonalds, Waitrose and the Rope Trust have been gratefully received by the team at the Raedwald Trust, and went directly to pupils and families who need it the most.
The Rope Trust have provided two very generous donations of over £7000, and continue to support the Raedwald Trust and its families by being there to call upon when needed.
McDonalds in Colchester donated a lot of their fresh food, including milk, eggs, rolls, bacon and salad, when they had to close. Packages were then immediately put together and delivered to around 30 families in the Ipswich area.
Waitrose in Ipswich donated essential items on a number of occasions, and also provided Easter eggs for Raedwald Trust families. One particular staff member (Gemma) thoughtfully picked items from the shelves to cover all the basics needed – even adding toilet rolls pasta and rice into the packages!
Sharon Williets, Joint Trust Business Manager at the Raedwald Trust, said: “The donations have enabled us to help more families than just those that qualify for free school meals. They also meant that we could help them immediately – before the government had put together their free school meal package.
“We are very grateful to these businesses for their generous donations. They have made and will continue to make a huge difference to the lives of our most vulnerable pupils and their families.”