Supporting the Community
The Raedwald Trust and Copleston High School in Ipswich have jointly undertaken a venture to support children and families in need with food, toiletries, good quality clothing and home essentials during the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.
Starting on 20th April 2020, the ‘Community Shelf’ venture supports families through the eyes of the children from both educational organisations. The support is based on a principle of ‘we share’, and operates as a distribution centre for disadvantaged children and their families (with the understanding that disadvantage isn’t synonymous with deprivation).
By pooling their combined staff and contact resources, The Raedwald Trust and Copleston High School feel they can respond better together to meet the needs of children and their families to deliver the Community Shelf initiative.
The Community Shelf distribution centre is based
at Copleston High School and is operational part time through the week. Donations are being sourced and collected from local shops, with staff from the Raedwald Trust and Copleston High School delivering the essential items to families.
Angela Ransby, CEO of the Raedwald Trust said: “We are working hard to provide this much needed service to our children and their families.
“Once the infrastructure is fully established for the Community Shelf, we are keen to expand the support on offer – perhaps to include a Community Library, or Community Learning Centre.
“We are committed to supporting our pupils and their families at this challenging time and will do all we can to help.”
If you feel you can help or donate, or would like to access help from the Community Shelf team, they can be contacted by emailing